Friday, 27 January 2012
Well, here it is...its half an hour away from 2012 and i`m finally getting started on my blog...yes its about time!
Its been an amazing and sometimes stressful year but i am excited about the opening of my first shop/ grown up!!
I have had some lovely moments in 2011 probably the most important being my beautiful niece Krystals wedding which was such a fabulous day and we designed a vintage tea party theme for her that was stylish, laid back and very her! Pimms,cream roses in white jugs,vintage mismatched china (it took us ages to collect!)and shabby chic retro stacking chairs!

     We had a marquee in the back garden and a fabulous menu with an eclectic fusion of different foods! I got to do the photos and cake and i think we all agreed that the wedding cake took on a life of its own...i think we were aiming for understated.. i think it came out more Elton john!!
Well krystal..heres the blog and dedicating the first one to youxxx
I`m spending the evening drawing out plans for the new shop and have decided on anaglypta(google it!) oriental panel effect on the bottomhalf of the walls in annie sloan `paris grey` with laura ashley `dove grey josette`wallpaper above..i also had some left from doing my last house!! I will put some pictures on!
Anyway its now 12:06 in 2012 so Happy new year!!!xxfifi

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