Hi, its friday, and I am in the middle of ..yes you guessed it..painting furniture! Taking time out for tea and a biscuit and thought i`d take a quick picture of my new bedroom as i have actually made the bed this morning and it looks tidy!! We had the bed for a while(ebay find at approx £100) but have only recently got round to painting it, it had a nasty very 80`s looking orange varnish but it was so well made i knew it was worth saving!! We had a roll of laura ashley oriental garden in linen colour(which is actually more like a pale gold as it has a sheen, they do a version they actually call gold but its not as nice!!)it was in my old basement left over from doing my hallway at my old house, they have started doing it again though! Our bedroom had a black and white feature wall from the previous owner and so we painted it twice and papered over it with this! I do like restful colours in bedrooms and from experience have realised they need to have a slight warmth..think pale taupes and creams mixed with whites, we had a pale grey in our old bedroom and though it looked stylish it always felt slightly cold!
I have an ottom at the bottom of the bed which is great for storage though it needs some work!! Huge mirrors are fantastic everywhere, its like adding windows and i love they way they bounce light around, theres something rather decadent about huge mirrors in small rooms, people often think you cant have anything to big in a normal size room, but i say break the rules!

My favourite item that has followed me round about 5 houses now is my pencil drawing of a beautiful french girl, i got her in london at a market in islington and shes fabulous,the frame is very shabby and is made of smashed china that is cemented onto a wooden frame which was apparently quite common to do with old broken pottery etc in france,its very old and delicate but i love it!

This was the room before, i have some more pics to put on later but i have waffled on long enough back to work!!xxfifi