Saturday, 4 February 2012

Rocking chairs and fairys...

Its saturday and i`m having a lovely quiet morning with my daughter watching a film about fairys! We made a puff pastry pesto, goats cheese and feta tart and then tidied up the house, it`s so quiet with the boys out!!
Yesterday I renovated a lovely old oak rocking chair, I love rocking chairs and i do think they look fabulous white too! They are not terribly expensive to get hold of but still not many people seem to have one so they always get noticed in the corner of a room, and its always great finding another reason for more cushions!!
I recieved some flyers through the post yesterday that I have designed online to hand out at a vintage fair i`m doing soon with my 2 lovely  talented nieces Darecca and Krystal who both make things too. Anyway my daughter is waiting for me to make wooden heart hangings with her so i`d better go, thanks again for reading and i`d love any comments or pictures of things you have made, I always love meeting other people who make things or just get as excited as me about pretty things! Feel free to post yr comments/pictures at the bottom!xFiFi

Thursday, 2 February 2012

shabby chic refectory table

Hi, its been very hectic today, still juggling getting the house decorated, renovating furniture and the school run takes so much longer now which eats into the day! Am now just waiting for my courier to arrive and someone else is coming to collect a cute little furniture set so I thought i`d post a quick picture of the set I did today. Its a little refectory style table which i have done with 4 windsor chairs in annie sloan old white` which I distressed with wax. I stripped and stained the top with an oak wax as i thought it suited the table style. Anyway, kids to organise, thanks for reading!!xFiFi

distressing annie sloan paint...

Hi, well i have had a lovely day playing with paint with my niece Krystal, annie sloan paint so i didnt have to sand first yay!! I underpainted a demi lune(means half moon!!) hall table with grey before painting over in Annie sloan `old white`, i then distressed it with clear wax so that the undercoat came through for a fabulous french style!! The best bit is then getting to put pretty things on it and take the photos!!
Its a nice way to distress as i think its closer to the look you would find in old naturally distressed furniture.The `shabby chic` look which has now been around for decades originally came from furniture etc that had become run down over the years and taken knocks and been patched up or repainted. Often found at its best in grand faded houses and chateaus where the paint had peeled over years and years after being painted different colours!
I have been following some great blogs recently with some of my favourites being `my shabby streamside studio` and the guru of shabby chic Rachel Ashwell is just so fabulous and has such style without trying too hard, i love the combination of grand, relaxed and shabby that she brings to her surroundings!
My niece makes jam,cooks like Nigella and has recently started making accessories for vintage and shabby chic homes(i`m so proud!!) she brought over some fab bits today and kept me company by making some things of her own,i love these parsley,sage,basil,mint and thyme herb markers (4.99 for a set of 5)and despite a propensity to kill things am already planning a window box display so i can use some!!
She has also made me a lovely shabby chic teapot decoration to hang on my candelabra!!
(£1.99 each or 3 for £5.00).
her ebay name is dollysnewworld if you want to check her out!
Sorry to plug her but I think she will go far!
Anyway the kids are home so
Thanks for listening xFiFi